Toyota Camry1996-2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Toyota Camry + 1. The maintenance instruction + 1.2. The information before car driving + 1.3. Independent maintenance service + 1.4. Technical characteristics + 1.5. Some councils at car purchase + 2. Maintenance service - 3. Engines + 3.1.2. Compression check + 3.2. 6-cylinder двухрядные engines V6 of 3,0 l + 3.3. A partition of engines - 3.4. An engine electric equipment 3.4.2. Technical characteristics 3.4.3. The storage battery 3.4.4. Power cables 3.4.5. Ignition system 3.4.6. The coil () ignitions 3.4.7. Check of the moment of ignition 3.4.8. The block of electronic ignition 3.4.9. System of a charge of the battery 3.4.10. The generator 3.4.11. A pressure and brush regulator 3.4.12. System of start-up of the engine 3.4.13. The starter electric motor 3.4.14. The traction relay 3.4.15. The basic malfunctions of an electric equipment 3.4.16. That it is necessary to know to the owner of the car with инжекторным the engine 3.4.17. A turbo the doctor + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. An exhaust system + 8. Transmission + 9. A running gear + 10. Brake system + 11. A body + 12. An electric equipment |
3.4.16. That it is necessary to know to the owner of the car with инжекторным the engine
Inzhektornye motors surpass carburettor in many parametres, to take at least their profitability and problemless start in a frost. Nevertheless, carburettor under our conditions sometimes appear more advantageous. And even some motor-car manufacturers deliver on our market of the car with such engines. All business – as gasoline which sell at us. The inzhektornyj engine is calculated on high-grade gasoline which on our refuellings you will find not often. Besides, different systems of injection have the specific features, they are necessary for considering at car operation. And in our market it is a lot of such systems: with mechanical injection "To (КЕ)-Jetronic", electromechanical "L-Jetronic" and electronic – "Motronic", "Lucas", "Marelli". Many systems have two operating modes: the basic and emergency – at malfunction of one of gauges. The driver can and not notice such malfunction: on the instrument panel there is no alarm signal, and the engine continues to work (but any more in an optimum mode). Similar quite often happens in "Audi-80" with the central injection. About third of the motorists having such cars, do not guess at all that go in emergency operation. And it conducts to the raised expense of fuel, decrease in capacity, rough work of the engine and the complicated start-up. Malfunction comes to light only during the next servicing. Therefore on "the weak" places of each system shown under our conditions, it is necessary to dwell. Systems with mechanical injection. They in a greater degree, than others, are subject to physical deterioration. The regulator of pressure of fuel refuses usually through 80-120 thousand in km of run (engine start considerably worsens), an atomizer – through 60-80 thousand (rough work of the motor, the raised expense of fuel). Refusal of atomizers is especially artful, as it not at once will notice. For diagnosing and repair the special equipment is required. Sore point of systems with electromechanical injection – подсос air through the numerous vacuum hoses tending to растрескиванию after 4–5 years of service. In particular on BMW and, in some smaller degree, on "Audi". To reveal such defect difficult enough. At electronic systems – the problems. For example, the accumulator "has sat down", and you on an old habit have decided to "light" from other car. The electronic block as a result fails. And application этилированного gasoline, in turn, will put out of commission a ljambda-probe and the catalyst. As a whole, both mechanical, and electronic systems of injection have the pluses and minuses. At mechanical the thicket is refused by gasoline pumps and dozatory-distributors. At electronic the gasoline pump is more durable and is cheaper, but any malfunction of the computer will cost much. Besides, the reasons for failure of any system at us, alas, more than in the Western Europe or America: poor-quality gasoline, a dirt on roads and chemicals with which them strew. Therefore it is necessary to listen to recommendations of experts. Try to use import gasoline if there is such possibility; for removal of a moisture from топливопроводов at each refuelling fill in in a tank a special preparation; through each 10 000-15 000 km of run do full washing of system of injection. One more feature: any failure fixes the computer. And even after replacement of a faulty detail it will give out incorrect commands – until failure "not will erase" at the special stand. |