1. Before installation it is necessary to check up trailer and lateral backlashes of piston rings. |
2. Establish top компрессионное a ring in the cylinder by means of the piston. |
3. Measure a trailer backlash of a ring. If a backlash too small, you can replace piston rings or increase a backlash, having ground the ends of a piston ring small надфилем. |
4. Carry out similar procedure with all rings. |
5. After check and adjustment of a trailer backlash, a ring it is possible to establish on pistons. |
6. By the first it is established маслосъемное a ring. At first establish a broad ring in a flute. |
7. Then establish bottom and top маслосъемные rings. |
8. After installation of all elements маслосъемного rings check up, that the top and bottom rings rotated freely. |
9. Establish the second компрессионное a ring by means of the special tool a mark upwards. Installation is made by means of the special tool – labels on rings should be directed upwards. |
10. Then establish top компрессионное a ring. |
11. Do similar procedures with remained pistons. |