Each 500 km of run or weekly
Check up oil level. Check up level of a cooling liquid. Check up liquid level windscreen. Check up level of a brake liquid and a liquid of a hydraulic drive of coupling. Check up a condition of tyres and pressure in tyres.
Each 5000 km of run or in 3 months All points specified above, plus:
Check up level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a steering.
Check up level of a liquid of an automatic transmission.
Replace engine oil and the oil filter. Each 9000 km of run or in 6 months
Check up and replace, if it is necessary, brushes of screen wipers.
Check up an accumulator condition.
Check up a tension drivers belts.
Check up and replace, if it is necessary, hoses in an impellent compartment.
Check up cooling system.
Spend shift of wheels.
Each 20000 km of run or in 12 months All points specified above, plus:
Check up brake system.
Replace the air filter.
Check up fuel system.
Check up level of oil of an automatic transmission.
Check up level of oil of a mechanical transmission.
Examine a suspension bracket and steering elements.
Examine covers the SHRUS.
Check up final system.
Each 45000 km of run or in 24 months All points specified above, plus:
Check up a coupling pedal.
Replace the fuel filter.
Replace cooling liquid and wash out cooling system.
Check up and if it is necessary, replace the ventilation valve картера.
Replace a liquid of an automatic transmission.
Replace oil of a mechanical transmission.
Replace spark plugs.
Examine and replace, if it is necessary wires of spark plugs.
Each 90000 km or in 48 months Check up and adjust клапанные backlashes.
Replace a lining of a cover of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank.
Each 140000 km Replace газораспределительный a belt. |