Toyota Camry
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 1.2. The information before car driving
+ 1.3. Independent maintenance service
+ 1.4. Technical characteristics
+ 1.5. Some councils at car purchase
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. An exhaust system
+ 8. Transmission
- 9. A running gear
+ 9.1.2. Technical characteristics
+ 9.2. A steering
- 9.3. Semiaxes
9.3.2. Removal and installation of semiaxes
9.3.3. Replacement of covers of a semiaxis
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A body
+ 12. An electric equipment
1, 3. Mud guards
2. Right полуось
4. A tip of steering draught
5. Шплинт
6. A lock washer of a nut of a nave
7, 12, 21, 22. Lock колцо
8, 17. A sealant
9. The bearing of an intermediate support
10. The hinge
11, 16. An internal shaft
13, 14. A cover
15. An external shaft
18. Грязеотражатель
19. A collar
20. The bottom lever of a suspension bracket
23. A lock bolt
24. Left полуось |
1. Remove полуось. |
2. Clamp полуось in a vice through soft prorates and check up presence radial люфта and smoothness of moving of the hinge in all directions. The worn out cover replace, having executed following procedures. |
1. Remove a cover collar, having made an incision it. |
2. Get a cover from a hinge flute, having hooked a screw-driver for cover edge. Strongly damaged cover cut off. Remove a cover from the case of the hinge and remove the case. |
The prevention On the right semiaxis on the hinge case the intermediate shaft is strengthened.
3. Designate a relative positioning крестовины the hinge and a semiaxis shaft. |
4. Remove a lock ring крестовины the hinge. |
5. Blows through brass прставку bring down крестовину the hinge from a semiaxis shaft. It is necessary to dress internal and external covers on полуось. The external hinge not to remove. |
6. Remove both covers. |
1. Clear the removed details, completely remove old greasing, check up presence of damages on balls of bearings. If on a surface there are wear tracks the interfaced surfaces also will be damaged. Internal hinges are delivered in spare parts separately, external hinges – in gathering with a semiaxis. |
2. Check up a condition of the bearing of an intermediate support. |
1. Dress крестовину on шлицы so that sample on шлицах has been turned to a semiaxis. |
2. Put greasing in the hinge case, dress the case on крестовину put the greasing rest. |
3. Dress on полуось a cover and a collar, enter крестовину into the case and put the greasing rest. |
4. Be convinced that edges of covers have come into flutes on a semiaxis. |
5. Adjust length of a semiaxis (subsection 8.3.1 see.), moving the internal hinge, establish standard length of a semiaxis. |
6. Straighten a cover, having inserted a screw-driver between a cover and an external holder of the hinge. |
7. Fix a cover a collar by means of special flat-nose pliers. |