Toyota Camry1996-2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Toyota Camry + 1. The maintenance instruction - 1.2. The information before car driving + 1.2.2. Brake system 1.2.3. Safety measures at luggage packing + 1.2.4. Car Toyota identification 1.2.5. A suspension bracket and the chassis - 1.2.6. Start and driving in a critical situation If the engine decays during movement If the car overheats If the tyre is lowered If the car requires towage + 1.3. Independent maintenance service + 1.4. Technical characteristics + 1.5. Some councils at car purchase + 2. Maintenance service + 3. Engines + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. An exhaust system + 8. Transmission + 9. A running gear + 10. Brake system + 11. A body + 12. An electric equipment | If the tyre is lowered
Gradually reduce speed, keeping a direct direction. Cautiously move down after the journey in a safe place far away from movement. Avoid a stop in the centre of a dividing strip of a motorway. Stop on an equal platform with a reliable ground. Stop the engine and include emergency blinking signals. Reliably involve a lay brake and establish a transmission in position "P" (an automatic transmission) or on a reverse gear (a transmission with manual switching). All should leave the car in the opposite party from movement. Do not start and do not scroll the engine when the car is supported only by a jack. Stop the car on a firm equal surface, reliably involve a lay brake and establish a transmission in position "P" (an automatic transmission) or on a reverse gear (a transmission with manual switching). If it is required, enclose колодку under a wheel located on a diagonal, opposite from a replaced wheel. Necessarily establish a jack properly on a point for a jack. The car raising incorrectly located jack will damage the car or presumes to come off to the car a jack and to become the trauma reason. Never подлезайте under the car when it is supported only by one jack. Use a jack only for concept of the car during wheel replacement. Do not lift the car when somebody is in car salon. At a raising of the car do not enclose any subjects on or under a jack. Lift the car only on height, sufficient for removal and tyre replacement.
Take demanded tools and the spare tyre. For independent preparation for a critical situation it is necessary to familiarise with use of the jack, each tool and a place of their storage Turn connection of a jack by a hand. For removal – turn connection in a direction 1 until the jack will not be free. For storage – turn connection in a direction 2 until the jack will not be reliably fixed for prevention of its moving forward during collision or sharp braking.
Then get the spare tyre from the car. At storage of the spare tyre establish it into place a wheel outer side outside. Then fix the tyre, repeating the above described points for removal upside-down for prevention of its advance during collision or sharp braking. Wheel blocking
At blocking of wheels put колодку in front for forward wheels or behind for back wheels. Removal of a decorative cover of a wheelSteel wheels
Aluminium wheels
The prevention Easing of nuts of wheels
Always weaken nuts of wheels before a car raising. Nuts turn counter-clockwise for their easing. For reception of the maximum lever effort establish a wrench on a nut so that the handle was on the right side, as shown. Grasp the handle near the end pull for the handle upwards. Be cautious, that the wrench has not come off a nut. Do not remove for the present a nut – only unscrew them approximately on one and a half turn. Jack arrangement
Be convinced that the jack is located on an equal and firm platform. Car raising Lift the car on height, sufficient for installation of the spare tyre. Remember that it is required больший a gleam with the earth at installation of the spare tyre, than at removal of the lowered tyre.
Replacement of wheels Remove nuts of a wheel and replace tyres. Remove the lowered tyre directly forward and put it aside. Drive a spare wheel in the necessary position and combine apertures in a wheel c bolts. Then lift a wheel and achieve, that the top bolt has passed in an aperture. Shake a wheel and put on it other bolts. Before wheel installation remove all corrosion from an assembly surface of a wheel by means of a wire brush or something similar. Installation of a wheel without good contact metal to metal on an assembly surface can lead to easing of nuts of a wheel and even to cause a detachment of a wheel during movement. Therefore after the first 1600 km check up, whether wheel nuts are enough hardly tightened.Return installation of nuts of a wheel
Establish back wheel nuts (the narrowed end inside) and tighten them as it is possible more strongly a hand. Press the tyre and check up, whether it is possible to tighten them more strongly. Car lowering
Use only a wheel wrench for an inhaling of nuts. Do not use other tools or any additional levers, except hands, as, for example, a hammer, a pipe. Be convinced that the wrench reliably grasps a nut. Tighten each nut gradually for one time in the sequence specified in drawing. Repeat process until all nuts will not be completely tightened. Return installation of a decorative cover of a wheel Establish back decorative cover of a wheel:
Aluminium wheels
Then reliably knock its edge of a hand for защелкивания it on a place. After replacement of wheelsCheck up pressure of air in the replaced tyre. Adjust pressure of air to the demanded. If it is more low slowly reach to the nearest servicing deport and pump up the tyre to the necessary pressure. Do not forget to establish back a cap of the inflatable gate of the tyre as the dirt and a moisture can get to a gate core that will lead to air leak. If the cap was lost, establish new as soon as possible. Reliably combine all tools, a jack and the lowered tyre.As soon as possible after replacement of wheels tighten nuts of a wheel to a twisting moment with the help динамометрического a key and execute technical repair of the lowered tyre. The prevention |