Toyota Camry1996-2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Toyota Camry + 1. The maintenance instruction - 1.2. The information before car driving + 1.2.2. Brake system 1.2.3. Safety measures at luggage packing + 1.2.4. Car Toyota identification 1.2.5. A suspension bracket and the chassis - 1.2.6. Start and driving in a critical situation If the engine decays during movement If the car overheats If the tyre is lowered If the car requires towage + 1.3. Independent maintenance service + 1.4. Technical characteristics + 1.5. Some councils at car purchase + 2. Maintenance service + 3. Engines + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. An exhaust system + 8. Transmission + 9. A running gear + 10. Brake system + 11. A body + 12. An electric equipment |
1.2.6. Start and driving in a critical situation
If it is necessary, remove all ventilating stoppers from the additional and discharged storage batteries. Put a fabric over open ventilating apertures on storage batteries. (It helps to lower danger of explosion, traumas and burns).
Execute connection of cables as it should be a, b, c, d:
a. Connect a clip of a positive (red) connecting cable to positive (+) to the plug on the discharged storage battery.
b. Connect a clip on other end of a positive (red) connecting cable to positive (+) to the plug on the additional storage battery.
c. Connect a clip of a negative (black) connecting cable to negative (-) the plug on the additional storage battery.
d. Connect a clip on other end of a negative (black) cable to a firm, motionless, unpainted, metal point of the car with the discharged storage battery.
Points recommended for connection are shown in following drawings.
Point of connection for the engine 5S-FE
Start the engine in the usual way. After start it should work within several minutes for the speed approximately 2000 rpm at slightly pressed pedal of an accelerator.
Cautiously disconnect cables precisely in return sequence: a negative cable, and then a positive cable.
Cautiously liquidate the fabrics covering storage batteries – they can contain sulfuric acid.
If ventilating stoppers have been removed, establish all of them on places.
If the reason of a discharge of the storage battery is not revealed (for example, there were included light devices), it is necessary to check up it.