Toyota Camry1996-2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Toyota Camry + 1. The maintenance instruction + 1.2. The information before car driving - 1.3. Independent maintenance service An engine oil choice Check of level of a cooling liquid of the engine A choice of type of a coolant Check and replacement of the filter of the air conditioner - 1.3.2. Wheels and tyres Check and replacement of tyres Shift of tyres Installation of tyres for movement on snow and chains противоскольжения Replacement of wheels + 1.3.3. Electric components 1.3.4. The water additive in a washer tank + 1.3.5. Replacement of lighting lamps + 1.4. Technical characteristics + 1.5. Some councils at car purchase + 2. Maintenance service + 3. Engines + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. An exhaust system + 8. Transmission + 9. A running gear + 10. Brake system + 11. A body + 12. An electric equipment |
1.3.2. Wheels and tyres
Wrong pressure in the tyre can reduce term of its service and make the car less safe for driving.
Low pressure in tyres leads to excessive deterioration, bad management, reduction of economy of fuel and possibility of rupture from an overheat of tyres. Also low pressure can become the reason of bad consolidation of a board of the tyre. If pressure excessively low there is a possibility of damage of wheels and-or tyre branches.
The high pressure in tyres leads to rigid driving, problems in management, to excessive deterioration in the centre of a protector of the tyre from hollows on road.
If the tyre demands frequent pumping, check up it at dealer Toyota.
Instructions for pressure check in the tyreIf the car has been stopped at least at 3 o'clock and did not go after that more than on 1,5 km, it is possible to receive exact value of pressure in the cold tyre.
Always use шинный a manometre.For the tyre increase of pressure after driving is a normal state.
Necessarily establish caps of inflatable gates of tyres.