Toyota Camry

1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Camry
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 1.2. The information before car driving
+ 1.3. Independent maintenance service
+ 1.4. Technical characteristics
+ 1.5. Some councils at car purchase
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
- 7. An exhaust system
   - 7.2. Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
      7.2.2. Technical characteristics
      7.2.3. OBD II-system
      7.2.4. II-system computer OBD (Powertrain Control Module)
      7.2.5. The gauge of turn throttle заслонки
      7.2.6. The gauge of absolute pressure in a soaking up collector
      7.2.7. The gauge of the mass expense of air
      7.2.8. The gauge of temperature of soaked up air (IAT-gauge)
      7.2.9. The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid (ECT-gauge)
      7.2.10. The rotation gauge коленвала
      7.2.11. The gauge of rotation of a cam-shaft
      7.2.12. The contact gauge of pressure of the hydraulic booster
      7.2.13. The gauge of the maintenance of oxygen in the fulfilled gases
      7.2.14. The detonation gauge
      7.2.15. The gauge of speed of the car
      7.2.16. Перепускной the air valve of idling (IAC-valve)
      7.2.17. System of a choice of the channel всасывания (ACIS-system)
      7.2.18. Ventilation system картера
      7.2.19. System recycling
      7.2.20. System of catching of steams of gasoline
      7.2.21. Neutralizer
      7.2.22. Three in one – or how to save the catalyst
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. A running gear
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A body
+ 12. An electric equipment


7.2. Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases

7.2.1. Introduction

Places of installation of units of system of decrease in toxicity on the 4-cylinder engine

1. A diagnostic socket
2. The vacuum distributor operating
The valve recycling
3. The valve recycling
4. The gauge of absolute pressure in a soaking up collector
5. The gauge of turn throttle заслонки
6. The gauge of temperature of a liquid
7. The block of coils of ignition
8. The oxygen gauge

Arrangement of devices of systems of decrease in toxicity on the 6-cylinder engine

1. A diagnostic socket
2. The valve recycling
3. Перепускной the air valve
4. The gauge of turn throttle заслонки
5. The gauge of speed of a stream
6. The ignition block
7. The oxygen gauge
8. Blocks of coils of ignition
9. The gauge of temperature of a liquid

Considered cars are equipped with several systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases. Them concern:

  – Onboard system diagnostics (OBD-system);
  – A control system of the engine (EFI-system);
  – System recycling (EGR-system);
  – System of catching of steams of gasoline (EVAP-system);
  – System of compulsory ventilation картера (PCV-system);
  – System of a choice of the channel всасывания (ACIS-system);
  – каталитический neutralizer.
The concrete kind of applied systems with instructions of the adjusting data is specified on подкапотных tablets (VECI-tablet).

The tablet with instructions of distributing of vacuum hoses