1. Pass on the car to warm up a liquid of an automatic transmission. |
2. Lift the car and establish it on support. |
3. Establish the pallet under a transmission and turn off заглушку a drain aperture. When the liquid will flow down, wipe заглушку and establish it into place.
4. Turn off fixing bolts of the pallet of a transmission and remove the pallet |
5. Remove an old lining. |
6. Pour out an old liquid of the pallet. |
7. Unscrew bolts of the mesh filter and remove it. |
8. Wash out the filter in pure трансмиссионной liquids. |
9. Establish the filter into place and twirl fixing bolts. |
10. Unscrew bolts of the mesh filter and remove it. |
11. Wash out the pallet solvent and dry up it. Establish a new lining of the pallet and establish the pallet on a transmission. Twirl fixing bolts till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
12. Braid заглушку a drain aperture of differential and merge a liquid. |
13. Lower the car.
14. Get probe for check of level of oil and fill in new oil in a transmission through a tube probeа. |
15. Start the engine and translate the gear change lever through all positions by turns. Again include parking transfer and check up liquid level. Add a liquid if it is necessary.